Cradle of Filth Tour
Cradle of Filth Tour
Watt, Rotterdam, NL
09 May 2009
Turisas had the duty to warm-up the audience this evening. The mood was good from the first track. Both technically and in terms of atmosphere it was a very good show. Like we used to their singer was grumbling a lot about drinking again. But this time he managed to mention that he’d still rather drank Hertog Jan (see March 16, 2008).
Two minuses: a show of 35 minutes as a warm-up is unworthy to a band like Turisas. And paying to go to the toilet is ridiculous. After Turisas it was Moonspell’s turn with a good interdigitated show. This was followed by Cradle of Filth, who were to me in terms of show, very disappointing.
Score: 6/10