XIV Dark Centuries – ‘Gizit dar Faida’ (2011)
Rating: 6/10
Release: 28 October 2011
Label: Einheit Produktionen
It seems 14 dark centuries ago since we’ve heard or seen something of these Thuringian warriors. Fortunately they came back with an new album and a new site as well.
These Germans are known from songs like ‘Julenzeit’, ‘Skiltfolk’ and the ‘Bardensong – Eschenhain’. No more explanation needed, I think.
The new album ‘Gizit dar faida’, should inject life in this band again in my opinion.
‘Westwärts’ is a nice title for this intro, regarding the fact they’ve already done ‘Nordwärts’ and ‘Sudwärts’ in the past.
The rest is nothing special. And this counts for the entire CD, there’s a lot variety in it. Speedy tracks and also a lot of slower songs, which we weren’t used to anymore. But it’s never above average. It’s all very standard procedure. In my opinion there’s not bad on it, but also nothing really striking.
One nice extra: the very nice album-cover.
It’s not a must-have for your collection, but it proves the Thuringians do still exist.
- Westwarts
- Zeit der Rache
- Schlachtgesang
- Donar’s Söhne
- Hinauf zum Gold’nen Tor
- Brennen soll das alte Leiden
- Eine Wanderung
- Runenraunen – eine Wanderung II
- Surtur erwacht
- Ausklang