Dordeduh – ‘Dar de Duh’ (2012)
Rating: 9.5/10
Release: 28 September 2012
Label: Prophecy Productions
There are times that you feel that the musical direction of your band isn’t the right one anymore. Many bands turn towards a different direction, denying their trusted sound. DorDeDuh, however, is a different case. Edmond Karban (Huppogrammos) and Jimmy Popescu (Sol Faur) started this band just after Negura Bunget slip up. Dar de Duh is their first full length with DorDeDuh.
While DorDeDuh can be seen as the next logical step in the musical progression of Negura Bunget, it’s also the beginning of something completely new. Don’t expect music that’s easy to listen to, but vivacious black-metal interchanged with melodic, atmospheric passages. The main difference with other bands from this genre is that DorDeDuh uses more exotic and traditional instruments, the element that makes the music so unique. Also, the contrast between the black-metal and the folky, acoustic pieces are bigger than used to. One moment, the blastbeats are fired upon you, while at the other moment you’re slowly drifting away by the sound of the acoustic guitars.
Allthough the contrast is big between, and within, the songs, the atmosphere is the element that keeps it all together. A bit grim, vivacious and a tad dark. Words fall short to exactly describe this record. There is just one thing I could say with certainty, and that is that DorDeDuh delivered a unique piece of music. A piece that maybe takes some time to fully understand, but when you it seems close to perfection. A definite recommendation for fans of atmospheric, extraordinary black-metal!
- Jind de tronuri 16:19
- Flăcărarii 06:42
- E-an-na 08:24
- Calea roților de foc 12:04
- Pândarul 08:21
- Zuh 13:46
- Cumpăt 07:28
- Dojană 04:45