Amorphis Circle 2013 tour
Location: De Pul, Uden, The Netherlands
Date: 29 November 2013
I was really looking forward to this evening! One of my favorite bands, just around the corner!
First this evening we got Starkill, I only knew them by their name on the flyer and didn’t really expect too much of it, but these Americans give me my weekly portion of being wrong! Some melodic deathmetal most similar to Kalmah. A good opener who definitely gets to you! I hope to see those men on stage again once. But after a nice, not too short setlist, which made me feel like more, it was time to go to the real reason to go to Uden this evening.
Amorphis, one of the most boring bands to write a review on. These men belong to a very exclusive list of bands who always and everywhere under every circumstances play an awesome renewing set with a perfect sound! What else do I have to say about it?
Like expected they kicked of with Shades of Grey, followed up by Narrow Path to give the crowd the reason of the tour, the new Circle album. But who’d think Sampo and Silver Bride would be next? Hits like Into Hiding, My Kantele, The Smoke, You I Need and House of Sleep can’t be missed on this evening and of course we had Black Winter Day. It seems as well clear to me that several songs from the new record are played, but who expected Sky is Mine of Vulgar Necrolatry for the very first Amorphis album? A set that goes on and on and never gets bored is the outcome. With every song I thought “YES!”. Amorphis just continues to give these amazing shows just like that, just walk on stage and go for it. Personally I really like the way how they put their unknown songs between the big hits. Some songs when the real Amorphis fans think “Hey, I’ve never heard this live before” and the rest thinks “I’ve no clue what this is. ”Amorphis just doesn’t play ALL their hits in one setlist, but theses other songs don’t fall out, when you play it as perfect as they do!
Unfortunately Amorphis can’t play forever and with the famous House of Sleep there comes an end to this amazing evening. Time to get a few drinks and a snack and find our way home.
I’ve truly enjoyed this evening, and I can’t wait to see those guys again soon!
Score: 10/10