Dalriada – ‘Nyárutó’ (2018)
Rating: 9.5/10
Release: 19 January 2018
Label: Nail Records
One of the greatest pleasures of being a reviewer is being blown away by a previously unknown band to you. Dalriada are a well-established band from Hungary. Firmly based in epic folk metal ala Ensiferum, Arkona, Turisas, Ect. They are great musicians and craft each song with peaks and valleys that really enhance the experience.
The use of many folk instruments really add to the songs particularly the violin and keyboards , whistles ,accordion, and others I can’t even name . Nyaruto is a great listening experience with tracks in the five to six minute range mostly and it never gets tiring. I’ve never been to Hungary but after listening to this I feel like I have. The culture and feeling of their homeland really comes through in songs like “Busirato”,”Nyaruto”.and Thury Gyorgy balladala 1 and 2. The guitars are aggressive and melodic throughout the album and mix well with all the other elements. Drums are also well done and not stuck in one tempo like some albums. There is drama and excitement throughout the album and I cannot pick a favorite track. They are all great, even the musical interludes on the organ and the wonderful violin that closes the album. The uptempo numbers are performed with gusto and really pack a metal punch and the midtempo tracks sparkle with elegant instrumental touches at every turn. I really can’t find a bad spot in the album. Every time that I listen I find something else that I love. Vocals range from clean male and female voices to mixed voice and even growls and screams mixed in all done very well.
Dalriada is a band I will be keeping careful watch on I can’t wait to see what’s next. If you like Folk metal this is a band you should definitely be listening to.
- Megöltek egy legényt
- Hollórege
- Táltosok álma
- Nyárutó
- Búsirató
- Thury György Balladája 1. rész
- Laus Deo
- Thury György Balladája 2. rész
- Komámasszon
- Áldja meg az Isten
- Hajnali