Win tickets for March Into Walhalla
We can give away 2x 2 tickets for a March Into Walhalla. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to be there? But even better: you can enjoy this Festival for free and take a friend with you.
All you have to do is send us an email with the Ssubject “YES, I want to march into Walhalla. And don’t forget to put your name in this mail. And make sure to send this mail before 15th February.
What’s it all about: Saturday 22 Februari GIGANT and Desert Rose Agency present the third edition of the metalfestival March Into Walhalla! Get ready for the best folk-, black- en pagan metal grom The Netherlands and around the world with Winterfylleth, Kvaen, Morgarten, Alvader, Opus Irae and Solarcycles.
The place to be: Gigant, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands