black messiah

Black Messiah was founded in 1994 as a pure old-school Black Metal band. After some differences of opinion all members leave Zagan, who has had a classical music-education. He knows his path is clear to introduce pagan-influences in his music. In 1997 the first album “Sceptre of Black Knowledge” is recorded. On this album are old and new tracks. The new songs got appreciated the best with the critics. But also the new members left, when Zagan wanted to play live as well.
In 2005 the band found a new label and they could go on the road again and record a new album. The blackmetal-history of the band is quite obvious in their music. Zagan’s violin gives this a somewhat folk-feel sometimes. Eventually every crowd goes out of his mind when they play “Sauflied”. But these kind of songs are not the main repertoire of the band, they often add them as a bonus to their records.


Insides into Black Messiah
Black Messiah’s travelogues (2012)



Southside Golgotha (Demo 1995)
Sceptre Of Black Knowledge (1998)
Demo 2001 (Demo 2001)
Futhark (Demo 2004)
Oath of a Warrior (2005)
Of Myths And Legends (2006)
First War of the World (2009)
The Final Journey (2012)
Heimweh (2013)
Walls of Vanaheim (2017)

Wacken 2013
Ultima Ratio 2008

