oblivion through the medium of folk-influenced black metal, Häive has been in existence for the best part of fifteen years. Across numerous demos, two multi-artist split releases, one full-length album (2007’s ‘Mieli Maassa’) and one EP (2010’s ‘Saimaata ei sanoilla selitä’), Varjosielu has demonstrated a meticulous, considered approach to delivering his art. Each release is carefully crafted, the musicianship executed with precision and care to ensure that Häive’s singular vision is delivered without compromise.

Yössä vainajien (Demo 2003)
Vaiti (Demo 2005)
Epätoivon vuoksi (Demo 2005)
Wyrd / Häive / Kehrä (Split 2007)
Mieli maassa (2007)
Saimaata ei sanoilla selitä (EP 2010)
Iätön (2017)