Mael Mórdha started in 1998, but they’ve made a long journey since then, to the unknown frontiers of Irish Metal. With their unique style of doom metal and traditional Irish elements the band had created successful Gaelic Doom Metal. Their success started with their first EP. Shortly after this the band looses two guitarists. They concentrated on the live scene in Ireland. Many bassists offered their services but it took a long time before the band had found the proper one. After he joined the band they began to develop their unique sound. The next album was also received very well. But the changes in the line-up weren’t over yet. Fortunately all gaps could be filled well and the line up got even expanded to guitarists as well. Finally the band found a proper label for their musical interests.
In 2014 their singer decides to leave the band. The band finds a new singer in the front-man of Celtachor.

The Path to Insanity ((EP 1999)
II The Inferno Spreads (EP 2000)
Caoineadh na nGael (EP 2003)
IV (Unreleased)
Cluain Tarbh (2005)
Primordial/Mael Mórdha (Split 2005) Gealtacht Mael Mórdha (2007)
Manannan (2010)
Damned when Dead (2013)
Not Active