Mileth is a musical project born inside the minds of Marcos and Diego in the cantabric shores of the Mariña Lucense (Galicia). The project moves to Vigo in 2009 to finally come alive in the form of a new band, which grows little by little until the current 7 members combo is achieved.
The initial proposal begins with the search of an unique and own sound, drinking from different style influences and wrapping music and lyric within a halo of Galician mysticism. So, from a musical genesis mainly focused in Pagan and European Folk Metal, a deeper look into the Galician folklore emerges inside the compositions, with the main goal to give the band a proper definition based on its own roots. Harsher sections, on the edge of Melodic Black Metal or Melodic Death Metal, are balanced and fused with some other more melodic and epic, with the generous helping hands of the violin, the keyboard and traditional instruments, mainly Galician and Irish. This duality is maintained in the vocal aspect as well. The combination of a female voice with a growling one, together with the chorus, plays a very important role in the musical recreation that evokes the Celtic romanticism, the ancestral feeling and the love for the Galician purest tradition and culture.
A demo is released in 2012.

Cancioneiro da Enxebre Escuridade (Demo 2012)
...e na Novena Onda caeron os Deuses (Single 2014)
Recolleita dos Demos que han de ser Esquecidos (Compilation 2016)
Catro Pregarias no Albor da Lúa Morta (2019)