This German Medieval rock band or as they say themselves ‘Heavy Bagpipe-Punk’ has performed at a lot of Medieval markets and parties. The band has grown right from the start to a famous name and can be found at many big festival. They make a huge party with a lot of bagpipes and rock, like we’re used to by this kind of German bands, but it’s all a bit more ‘punky’.
The band has decided to quit in December 2012.
Von Räubern, Lumpen und anderen Schelmen (2000)
Aequinoctium (2001)
Codex Lascivus (2002)
Si salvas me (2003)
Igni Gena (2004)
Coetus (2005)
Live (2006)
Mente Capti(2006)
Moor (2007)
Tempus mutatur (2007)
Wir werden sehen (2007)
Die Hässlichen Kinder (2009)
Persona non grata (2010)
MPS 2011
Burgfolk 2009
Not Active