Trobar is a folk/prog metal band founded in 2009 in Rimouski, Quebec. Sharing etymological origins with “troubadour”, Trobar unbury their roots and their ancestors’ to share the poetical and musical universe they live in.
Trobar was founded by two former members of the band Tenebrae Symphonia. Desiring to continue fulfilling their passion for music, they began this new project with some festive rites. Their idea fermented in an immense vat for several months before being served in a frothy mug. During this period, the first compositions were completed and fine tuned to drink from the divine nectar brewed from the soft vibrations of their instruments.
To complete the band, they recruited, a guitarist, flutist, drummer and an accordionist.
Trobar’s music is defined by a mix of Celtic as well as traditional Quebecois folk music and pure trash metal nuanced by a progressive influence from some band members. Principally addressed ideas are often the object of conceptual poetry and legends forged around a modern perspective of the past, present and future. Festivity is a main ingredient of their music, sometimes complemented in dark times by a touch of melancholy and aggressiveness. This often creates a disturbing and psychedelic atmosphere.

Vÿs (EP 2011)
Charivari (2014)
Distrollbar (2017)
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