Vintersorg was created in 1994 by the name of Vargatron (Wulfthrone). The goal was to create something new by putting clear vocals, acoustic guitars and heavy guitarriffs together to introducé a new genre in the black metal. After some changes in the line-up Vintersorg found himself alone at some point, something het ook advantage of to record a demo, which was immediatelly picked up by Napalm Records. This lead to an album in 1998 “Hedniskhjarted” (Pagan-heart). Then he started to write material fora n full length CD Till Fjalls. Then his passion for folk became obvious. With the album Cosmic Genesis the development of the Music asked for a second guitarist. This album was clearly a search for personal questions, thoughts and observations on the essential forces of the endless cosmos. The influences Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler are obvious themes on this album. He combines the contumacious beauty, the cold and warm, the spiritual and the physical, the earthly and unearthly.
In 2001 the music became more progressive. With the “Solens Rotter” (origin of the sun), the band is back at its roots, which are deep in the traditional Morse sound. The ever present folkelement, flute, harp and violin, skillfull integrated with powerfull drums and guitars. The frettless bass is another typical element of the Vintersorg sound.
And then there was… Vintersorg (2013)

Hedniskhjärtad (EP 1998)
Till Fjälls (1998)
Ödemarkens Son (1999)
Cosmic Genesis (2000)
Visions from the Spiral Generator (2002)
The Focusing Blur (2004)
Solens rötter (2007)
Jordpuls (2011)
Orkan (2012)
Naturbål (2014)
Til Fjalls del II (2017)