In 2003 Wolfchant was founded in St. Oswald, Lower Bavaria, Germany. The band members stepped away form several metal bands to evolve their musical style. When they made their First demo in 2004, their style was as a mix of death and dark metal. But in the same year they made a demo which with be one of the main anchors of Wolfchant. The songs were more melodic and the lyrics more lyrical. The reactions were very positive, so they start to make new songs, which brought them a deal with a label very soon. In 2005 the first real album was released. A lot of gigs were the result of it and soon a new album was made. This one a bit louder and was the cause they let the keys out, which doesn’t mean the songs lack beautiful acoustic pieces. Also ethnic instruments as whistle, Jew’s harp and accordion aren’t neglected. Most of the songs are about nature, but the Norse mythology is also an important topic. Despite the change of bass-player in 2008 the band continues with this concept. A lot of Pagan-, Vikingmetalfans will love this.
In 2013 they change they’re style a bit and become less raw.
The fangs of southern death (Demo 2004)
The Herjan Trilogy (Demo 2004)
Bloody Tales of Disgraced Lands (2005)
A Pagan Storm (2007)
Determinded Damnation (2009)
Call of the Black Winds (2011)
Embraced by Fire (2013)
Bloodwinter (2017)
Omega : Bestia (2021)
Paganfest 2013