With epic compositions Wuthering Heigths mixes elements of folk, speed metal, neo-classical, orchestral and progressive rock. The band was formed in the early ninety’s and got a lot of attention in the small metal scene of Copenhagen. A lot of musicians as well as band names like Minas Tirith and Vergelmir passed by during the years the band developed. And despite the fact the demos didn’t sound as they were supposed to, they got a lot of attention, especially in Italy and Germany. The band could participate in a compilation CD with their track “Sorrow In Memoriam”, which is a nice sample of what Wuthering Heights is all about: gigantic compositions, large orchestral parts, folk-influences, interesting lyrics, up-temp and progressive metal. In 1997 the band finally found a label. They were convinced the band was in to gothic/epic metal, which caused a sudden break after the First album. Soon there were offers of big worldwide labels. And soon there were a lot of gigs. In 2000 a lot of problems hit the band. Some members decided to quit. But they found good replacements for them and the band managed to keep on going. The following album was a brilliant epos, with more focus on the technical aspects this time, according to the band it was a masterpiece. But after this album there were also changes of bandmembers and they managed to find a permanent bassist. The following album which was the final album of a trilogy knew more folk-influences. They got to play in other countries too.
A band with a huge amount old-fashioned heavy metal, but with a nice sound.

Tales from the Woods (Minas Tirith)(Demo 1992)
Promotional tape (Vergelmir) (Demo 1995)
Within (Demo 1997)
Within (1999)
To Travel for Evermore (2002)
Far from the Madding Crowd (2004)
The Shadow Cabinet (2006)
Salt (2010)