Mead instead of Speed
Don’t we all love the romance of the middle-ages? No, not the dark middle-ages, not the plague, hunger, the cruelties. But the fun time of it, heroic warriors, food which is fresh, friendly music with flutes and bagpipes and drums, relaxed times around a campfire, no speed… and lots of mead.
Saturday and Sundag 16th and 17th of September it was time again for the wonderful medieval fantasy spectacle MPS (Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectatulum) in Borken, Germany.
After a week of storm and lots of rain the encampments settle in Borken again. This festival has become huge over the years and is travelling throughout whole Germany. This friendly festival is for everybody, with friendly prices for the slightly older people, so they can show their young hearts. And low prices for the young ones, so they can show they are fierce warriors and lovely princesses.
The festival is blessed with nice weather this weekend, the sun is shining on both days and there is almost no rain, just a few drops. So, nothing can hold us back to dive in.
While a large group of people from the encampment make a tour across the whole area, we start with the gig of….