It’s been a while since we’ve heard something from Equilibrium. The album ‘Rekreatur’ dates back from 2010, but still they’re touring with paganfest. About time to catch up with the whole band, and see what they’re up to!
Continue reading →It’s been a while since we’ve heard something from Equilibrium. The album ‘Rekreatur’ dates back from 2010, but still they’re touring with paganfest. About time to catch up with the whole band, and see what they’re up to!
Continue reading →The last years, Eluveitie is doing well. A new album and a headlinerposition on Paganfest result in Eluveitie settling more and more between the great bands in the Folk-metalscene. Folk-metal.nl talked to Chrigel about the new album, the extensive touring and the dress-up parties which are common within the scene. You can read the full conversation below.
Continue reading →Just a week after the release-party Heidevolk stood at Into the Forest part II in the Baroeg, Rotterdam. The supportacts gave away a good show, but it was nothing compared to the fabulous show of Heidevolk. Folk-metal.nl spoke with Raemon and Rowan after the show.
3rd March the new album ‘Batavi’ was released. Compared to the previous albums it’s a lot heavier and less folk. ‘We always worked with a rock producer and despite of the fact this lead to good albums, we we’re in for something heavier’. We met in a pub in Arnhem (Café de Beugel, Arnhem, red.) and brainstormed about this. We had already wrote some quit aggressive tracks, but what should we do with it?
‘We wanted more metal and it works when you’re working with a capable metal-producer. We ended up with Peter Tägtgren. Peter has already produced a lot of nice metal-albums. He’s the one who managed to put the aggression in the record and gave the dark touch to Batavi.’
I must admit I had never heard of Viatora. After searching on Google I found out why. They live in Maastricht and that’s quite a distance.
I took the opportunity to listen to their songs and they turned out to sound very nice. Which is good news, because they’ve almost finished the recordings of their first EP. It’s time Folk-metal.nl speaks to them.
Ever since the start of Black Messiah there has been a lot of hassle about the line-up. We’ve seen a number of changes throughout the years. Nevertheless Zagan and his band will deliver their fifth album this year. It’s called ‘The Final Journey’. Folk-metal.nl couldn’t get really excited about it. So we questioned Zagan about his opinion, inspiration and the Dutch fans.
Could you explain to our readers where ‘The Final Journey’ is all about?
Adorned Brood is a German band, existing for more than twenty years now. Almost ‘Classic’ you should think. A lot has happened in those twenty years. Folk-metal.nl had a chat with the band about their biggest success, dreams and about they feel about being one of the ‘mature’ bands amongst a lot of starting bands. I spoke to the band at the Wolfstijd Festival 2012.
Adorned Brood performed very well at Wolfstijd. ‘Thanks, it went very well, it’s always nice to play in the Netherlands.’
Although the atmosphere, the hall was far from filled up. ‘There wasn’t a lot of public indeed, but the people who were present were very enthusiast!’
Adorned Brood stood in it’s long carrier on lots of stages, including Wacken. Where do the like to play the most, in a small but cosy festival like Wolfstijd or do they rather play on a huge festival like Wacken?
‘It all depends on the public. You can play for a lot of people who are rather dull. But can also be in a small venue with a great audience.’ ‘Besides this, it depends on a lot of things like the festival itself, the organisation, the line-up. It’s difficult to answer this question with one simple answer.’
In the Netherlands Adorned Brood is not a totally unknown band, but it’s not by far like the situation in Germany. Do you notice any difference in performing for a Dutch audience or a German one?
‘In Germany we’re better known. There are much more people that know our songs and singing them along. In the Netherlands the audience people always more waiting to see what happens.’
Adorned Brood is grounded in 1993 and through a few other styles they landed eventually in the folk/pagan metal scene. What do they think of as their biggest success?
‘Besides the fact we’re still playing together? Playing Wacken!’ ‘It’s like you’
re playing in Walhalla, simply fantastic to get the opportunity to play there.’
Is there still a goal left, now Wacken has been achieved?
‘Playing the main stage or being a headliner on Wacken. Besides this we would also like to play a lot. Going to the USA would be very cool, but it’s very difficult to get there. And we have to say, our flute player has fear of flying.’ ‘70000 tons of Metal would be a good alternative. 6 weeks on a cruise-ship with only metal. Yes, that would be a goal.’
‘We also hope to release a lot of albums. At the moment we’re busy writing on a new full full-length which will be released in 2012.’
What can the fans expect with this new album? Will it be an album like ‘Hammerfest’, or is the band heading towards a new direction?
‘We’re still writing, it’s not completed by far, but it’s growing steady. We liked the path we’ve chosen with ‘Hammerfest’ and we’ll go further along this line. A slight difference will be the new influences and the use of more instruments.’
More instruments?
‘Yes, we’d like to use more modern elements, but we also want to build in a little more acoustic and folkloristic elements. Modern but old.’
This sounds to me like the in the Netherlands well know phrase of Piet Paulusma: ‘Maybe is freezes, maybe not’ We don’t become any wiser.
I find out they are full of ideas, when the guitar player also mentions black-metal. Fortunately he’s talking about the music and not the lyrical themes.
How’s the process of writing working in Adorned Brood? Is there someone taking the responsibility of this task and is the rest following this or is composing a group process?
‘We all live throughout the whole of Germany. To plan a get together each time for these matters, will be very impractical. Most of the time a few members get together to work out some ideas. This is collected in a program and is send to the other members. They can work with this and give feedback.’
Where do you get the inspiration?
‘From Odin himself!’ ‘No, it’s a mix of all bands we listen to, mythology, history. A lot of things actually.’
And from a musical point of view? I can image Anna has a classical background playing flute?
‘We all have a classical background.’ ‘Although the starting point was not for all of us classical music. Some of us started with metal and went to classic later.’
‘When we write songs, it could be we do this in a structure like classical music, but other songs have a more metal touch to it or something completely different. Everybody has its own influence and together this builds up to a song. Everybody does his part, because it’s necessary we are all satisfied in the end.’
Isn’t it difficult to get everyone satisfied?
‘Yes, it’s difficult and it takes a lot of time, but in the end that’s what works best for us. When you’re on stage, you know everyone is going for the full 100%. In this way we don’t get some bandmember to say: ‘It’s not my song, so why give it the full effort.’
When you’re living apart over quite a distance, how do you prepare for a concert?
‘Most of the time we practice the whole set once before a show. And everybody practices for themselves. Sometimes it happens we’ll se each other shortly before a show. But after this many years together, this don’t gives problems at all.’
Did you develop after all these years together some kind of ritual before entering the stage? Do you for instance wear some lucky pants?
‘We shake hands, but otherwise we don’t do crazy things.’
After the release of an album, many people listen to a CD and reviewed by many reviewer. You get a lot of positive reactions, but sometimes also negative criticism. (The last album ‘Hammerfest’ got quite a few negative reviews) How do you deal with this?
‘We try to read most of the reviews. But after a couple of years, you know which reviewers can be taken seriously and which ones not, some reviewers simply don’t know enough. The serious comments are taken in concern for the next album.’
The next question is one, I ask every band. Some readers might think I’m simply not creative enough. But, the reason I’ll ask every band what they think of the folk-metal scene is simply, that it’s interesting to get a different answer every time I’ll ask someone else. Old en young bands have often quite different opinions about bands/scene/pagan and so on. Many of the ‘young’ bands look at the growing folk-metal scene as something positive. Adorned Brood has a quite different opinion.
‘The scene is sick.’
Well, that’s a straight answer.
‘There are to many bands. There are always some good bands but the most of them belong simply to the mainstream and are less creative.’
The grow should also bring something positive. The number of fans is also increasing. ‘It helped us reaching a larger audience.’
A lot of bands use ancient symbols in their logo’s, cover art and other stuff. Sometimes this causes negative reactions, because of the fact this symbols are abused in history. Prejudice like: Oh, their pagans, so their nazi’s. Does this affect Adorned Brood also, in particular while they’re a German band?
‘Yes, but we have really nothing to do with that kind of things. I can’t help my granddad fought in the war. Some people don’t know what’s the scene really about. The symbols are abused and this goes on nowadays by a some bands and individuals. That’s a pity because the symbol itself isn’t bad, it stands for a ‘religion’, in my opinion a just believe in a good way of life. It doesn’t stand for the things they are used for.’
Anna, the flute player, is the only woman in the band. How is it to play in a band full of men?
‘In the metal scene are quite a lot of women. And concerning the men in our band, I can handle them.’
What is 2012 going to bring us, besides the end of the Maya calendar?
‘We’ll release a CD if everything goes right and besides that we will do a lot of gigs. There are a number of bands we’d like to tour with. Like Týr, Amon Amarth and Black Messiah.’
Thank you for the interview 🙂 Is there something you like to say to the Dutch fans?
‘It’s always good in the Netherlands. Thank you guys for following us and for visiting our gigs. Some of you have to drive a long way for this. Thanks!
By: Dorien
Photography: Dorien
It has been a long time, since we heard from the guys of Conorach, how will they be? At the Wolfstijd festival I spoke to them about their new album, Dutch folk-metal and a lot more.
Continue reading →Friday 25th november the big moment had come, the guys of Baldrs Draumar released their first full-length album. At the release-party in Sneek, Netherlands Folk-metal.nl spoke with Dondervuyscht, Zuypschuyt, Vuurschpuwer, Wildgeraesch and Schaduwlied. Their names are beautiful at least, but their album turned out to be fantastic as well. What a début!
Continue reading →The Icelandic band Skálmöld is what you can call a rising star. Well rising, it’s more fired like a cannonball. Folk-metal.nl spoke with Þráinn, Jón and Baldur at Heidenfest 2011 about their success.
At first I congratulate them with their album. And I’m wondering how it’s possible they’ve joined a tour like Heidenfest while they have just released their first album.
The guys admit they were surprised by this as well. Their album was launched in Iceland and Faeroe islands, but before that they were already confirmed for Wacken. maar daarvoor waren ze bevestigd voor Wacken. ‘It was a bit odd, we didn’t have and album and did only three shows.’ Things are happening fast with Skálmöld, that’s for sure.
Our interview during Heidenfest couldn’t take place the last time, this time I got a chance to talk to Jari of Wintersun. And Jari answered all my questions very thorough. And he revealed a little bit on the upcoming Time album.
With Heidenfest Wintersun was back at the stage after a long time. For them it was a shot tour (6 concrerts) but they were glad to be back and they did a fabulous performance!