Bagpipes in Drakwald Style
Drakwald released another killer album once more, called ‘Riven Earth’. About time to talk with Thibaud, Max and Marc about songwriting, France, bagpipes and more.
Hello guys, congratulations with another killer album. Are you satisfied with this album?
Thibaud: “Yes! Actually, this album is the one we wanted to make from the very beginning of the band, we were obviously not mature enough at this time to build such tracks, but release it nowadays is a huge source of satisfaction.”
Were there things you like especially in the reviews?
Max: “A good review for us is a honest one regardless whether it’s good or not. If the guy likes it, we’re interested to know what part or what element he likes in our music and same thing happen if he didn’t like. A good review must be explained whether it’s good or not :)”
Drakwald seems to be quite productive, again another album, is it this easy for you guys to write new tracks?
Marc: “We compose when we are inspired. We can’t say that we are in trouble with compositions. The only thing not ” that easy ” is to find a place for every instruments in each songs.
I must say we will, maybe, take more time for the 3rd album because we think about more things when we compose now than when we started the band.
One reason that we decided to record the 2nd album not far from the 1st is that we were not satisfied by the sound quality of Resist Fataly. We wanted something better so we made it as fast as possible.”