Many of the people who have been keeping up with
Furor Gallico will no doubt realize from their promotional photos on social
media, and from their new single, “The Phoenix”, that the band has undergone
significant stylistic changes which I have mentioned in my earlier review,
carry over to the sound of their new album. I reached out to the band with some
questions about their new release, you can read the interview, covering
everything from folk tales to war-paint, below.
Rating: 9.2/10 Release:18 January 2019 Label: Scarlet Records HiFuror Gallico’s music has a unique degree of authenticity, both to their celtic themes (musical and lyrical) and the underlying ethos that their music has always exuded. Although, it must be said the band has undergone some changes in their sound. The …Continue reading →
“Folk metal does not exist, Folk metal is what the hell we chose to do!”
‘’s own’ Eline had a nice chat with Paolo of Furor Gallico.
Congratulations on your new album ‘Songs from the earth’, could you please tell me more about the making of this album? “Thank you so much! This album has been an opportunity to improve ourselves from how we started with the debut album. We did not want to lose sight of our origins, so we tried to add some new details to our music. In some tracks we tried to conceive a sound not so easily linkable to other music. As for the technical aspects of the album, we spent the last two years refining its sound. Moreover, several technical hassles put back the release date (the album had been recorded in 2013) and so, once it was finally out, we couldn’t believe our eyes!”
How has the album been received by the fans and critics? “So far, so good! We are absolutely glad to see that our fans like both songs on the album whose sound and atmosphere are closer to our debut album, and other songs, such as ‘Diluvio’ or ‘Steam over the Mountain’. Those two songs are rooted in our idea of how we see folk metal, which is: “Folk metal does not exist, folk metal is what the hell we chose to do!” At our first gig supporting ‘Songs from the Earth’, many people already sang some of our new stuff, from the beginning to the end! That was definitely touching!”
22 Februari 2015 @ La Machine du Moulin Rouge, Paris Photography: On a rainy weekend in February, travels to France for the annual Parisian festival Cernunnos Paganfest. The 8th edition of the festival, that also happens to be a medieval fair, is held in the venue ‘La Machine …Continue reading →
Rating: 7.5/10 Release: 16 February 2015 Label: Scarlet Records I am happy to say that 2015 is going to be another great year for folk metal with tons of releases to look forward to, including the latest by Italy’s Furor Gallico entitled “Songs From The Earth”. Four years ago, they …Continue reading →
By: Gur Rating: 8/10 Release: June 2010 Label: Independent / re-release: Scarlet Records Furor Gallico, a folk/celtic metal-band from Italy. After a demo in 2008 they released an debut album in 2010, entitled ‘furor gallico’. And this was a job well done. The first thing you notice is the artwork …Continue reading →