Out of the ashes of the former Wartha from Belarus rises the now Vojstrau. With the last Wartha release being the epic “Azure Lakes” from 2015, a Vojstrau release would have a lot to prove to match its greatness. Fortunately for us, the recently released “Vasmikancovaja” does just that, while also introducing us to a new style and direction. Blending some heavier material with some familiar Wartha touches seems to be a solid start for this project going forward. I was able to speak with Oleg Zelyankevich once again (the sole member of Vojstrau now) to discuss the new direction, the new name and the new album, check it out…
Congratulations on the amazing new album “Vasmikancovaja”… have you received any feedback regarding it so far?
“Thanks! I’ve gotten mostly positive reactions and I need more. There can’t be too much feedback.”
So I have a lot of questions regarding the transformation from Wartha into Vojstrau… why did you feel it necessary to change the project name?
“I just was not OK with band name. It was a horrifying transliteration from my native language, that had too many equivalents in other languages and cultures. For example: one German town is named like that. I had no idea about that. Also, there was catastrophic changes in line-up, so… Here we go again, with new a new name, shining bright.”